Centralized Government

centralized-governmentWhat is a Centralized Government?

Definition: A centralized government is a governing body where the leader has ultimate power to make decisions without the need of public approval or input.

A government is an essential institution in all countries worldwide. Indeed, institutions in the private sector operate under the directorship of some form of government. In a word, a government is a group of individuals tasked with the responsibility of making decisions for themselves and their subjects in a larger group.

Typically, governments are differentiated based on the decision making the process and how planning activities are carried out. In a centralized government, the leading figure makes all the decisions. Usually, an organization with a centralized government does not give regard to the opinion and input of its constituents when deciding on critical matters.

On the other hand, a decentralized government distributes the decision-making process among the constituents of the organization. For example, an organization that is divided into departments will have decisions made at the department level. In this case, the leader of the organization oversees the decisions made.

Types of Centralized Governments

Nevertheless, a centralized form of government is not the same everywhere. While some countries have adopted a form of centralized government where some tasks are delegated to independent institutions, others are tightly associated with the person at the apex. Herein lies the main difference between the types of centralized government.


The simplest definition of a dictatorship is a government under the rule of a dictator. , a dictator is a leader who exercises absolute authority over his/her subjects, according to the Cambridge Dictionary. Therefore, it follows that a dictatorship is a centralized government whose ultimate authority has absolute powers over decision-making and activity planning.

A dictatorship stands out from other forms of government due to various unique characteristics. Some of the features include a tendency to undermine the media. Certainly, the media is a critical organ through which the government keeps its subjects informed. However, the press calls out the government on occasions that the government undermines the supreme law.

Further, the media gives a voice to the subjects such that they can speak truth to power. Unfortunately, dictators muzzle the press for two reasons. First, to prevent the media from informing subjects of the government’s atrocities and incidences that breaks the law. Second is to prevent subjects from airing their opinion on issues concerning leadership and decision-making.

Democratic Government vs Centralized Government

The difference between a dictatorship and a democratic government is like day and night, despite both forms of government being centralized. Unlike a dictatorship, the leader at the head of the government does not exercise absolute power. Additionally, the leader is democratically elected through regular elections.

Besides regular and competitive elections, other defining characteristics of democracy include a high degree of civil liberties and a clear principle of separation of powers. Mainly, separation of powers ensures that different organs of the government carry out their functions without interference.

A democracy can be direct or representative. In a direct democracy, subjects have a higher degree of influence on public decisions. Usually, public participation in such a government is high. Participation in decision-making happens through referenda and public initiatives. On the other hand, representative democracy is a government in which the people entrust the decision-making powers to elected leaders. In all instances, the people have more power over what decisions are made and how the process unfolds.

Positives and Negatives Effects of Centralized Governments

The most explicit positive of a centralized government is orderliness. Usually, this form of government has a transparent chain of command where the leadership sets the agenda, and the rest of the government implements it without question. Such a government can have a vision and singularly focus on its success. Also, a centralized government has few departments. As such, office and administrative costs are manageable.

On the negative side, centralized governments are bureaucratic. Since the agenda is set at the top, other departments have their work cut out but according to the whims of the top leadership. Other departments and the subjects do not have to contribute to the direction of the government.

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